Erectile Dysfunction

Average Time For Having Sex

This still remains the most controversial question asked. The amount of time sex should last dependscompletely upon the couple. Some might find it pleasurable in its average time of 2-3 mins while some cannot achieve satisfaction even when going for round 2.

No one or no studies can determine the emotions and feelings of humans. It completely depends and varies from one person to another. Google has its definition of lasting sex ranging between 3 to 7 minutes as adequate. It is desirable when it lasts from 7 to 13 minutes. Sex that lasts only from one to three minutes is considered as too short while that from 10-30 minutes is too long. It also depends on the time from where you are calculating the time of sex. Some people even consider foreplay as a part of sex and even that time is calculated while some stick strictly to the intercourse time to be calculated as sex. When we speak about just sex or the meaning of sex then it is intercourse that takes place while other arousing and foreplay activities can be termed as having the intimate time of having love or giving pleasure to the partner in one or many ways.

You Can Increase The Time Of Sex Through These Methods

Try Different Position

Different positions not only increase the time but also help you to discover all the new positions and hidden spots of your partner. While you switch positions it gives a 10 sec break to both the partners to get ready again for the upcoming session. In case the man feels like heis going to lose the erection then ask him to consume Fildena 100 before the start of the session.

Keep Porn Playing

Playing porn will keep the thrust and excitement on. This will help the man to go on and on and also increase his speed. Do not forget to keep the volume high for the added advantage.You can also try the position that is being played right in front of you.

The Sound Effect

If you do not want to take the help of porn then just casually put up some exciting or romantic music. Music helps to lower the pressure and stress. Music smoothens the whole process and you are free from unnecessary thoughts.There are also some hard music that increases the thrust and unknowingly the stamina. Try it.


Edging is the process of delaying orgasm.When the opposite partner is just about to reach its peak, you stop doing it and start the process all over again. This increases the time of the sex and has also resulted in better orgasms.This is a very populartechniquethat is also advised by sex experts and therapists to couples who are facing issues in their intimate lives.

Do not compare sex life. Everyone has their own and some people might receive pleasure even in that two minutes while some take it long. It is completely fine till the time both the partners are happy and satisfied. Things like ED make intimate life or intercourse difficult. Call your doctor and seek advice.