Water is the basic necessity of life. Something one cannot live without. It is more important than food and clothes. One can live without food and clothes at least for some days but not without water. Having less water is an open invitation to a lot of diseases or health conditions.
Drinking less water can disturb the proper flow of blood which might interact and create problems for having correct and hard erection.
How Much Water Do You Need?
For men, the recommended daily water intake is about 3 liters or 12 cups. This may seem like a lot, but it is not that difficult to reach if you are drinking water throughout the day.A good way to tell whether you are low on water is by checking the color of your urine. Dark yellow is an indication that one needs to bring more water whereas on the other hand pain clear urine means one is well hydrated. Drinking enough water also can save you from cancer as well hydrated body flushes out everything from the system.
Drinking Water Slows Down Aging
One study said that aging increases the risk of Erectile Dysfunction from 1.2% per year for men aged in their 40s, to 4.6% per year for men aged 60 and above. Dehydration can reduce blood volume and affect mood, so a person may find that drinking water can help with maintaining an erection.
How Is Dehydration Linked To Erectile Dysfunction
It is possible for a person’s hydration levels to influence temporary Erectile Dysfunction.
Need Of Water
Even animalsneed water. Although there are animals who can go days without having water like camels and tortoises even after some days, they will need water to survive. Humans need more water than animals. Due to global warming, there are water shortages in many countries of the world. Every year the arrival of rains is unpredictable.Even the filling of the wells and lakes and dams is also a reason for worry. Many countries have already started to water conversation programs. We need to save water for the future generation and the steps should be taken from now.
Drinking Water Slows Down Aging
One study said that aging increases the risk of ED from 1.2% per year for men aged in their 40s, to 4.6% per year for men aged 60 and above. On top of that, aging also increases the risk of chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, which are also linked to Erectile Dysfunction. One can take the help of Filagra to treat impotence.
Too much water can make you go the loo a lot of time. Avoid drinking a lot of water if you have an outing planned for the day. There are countries where public urinals are not safe and can invite a lot of unwanted infections especially for the females.Hot water is considered for beneficial than the normal tap water. Tap water might contain a lot of bacteria which gets killed once the water is boiled. Even hard water once boiled is safe for drinking.