Erectile Dysfunction

Getting Hard In 5 Sec – Is It Possible

Practically it is not possible to get hard in 5 sec. it is a very big deal unless and until something is not so normal with a person. Even medicines like Filagra take about 30 minutes to help men get the erection they need. 5 minutes is still possible but 5 sec is next to impossible to get the required erection.Men do get erections that are random and out of nowhere. But such incidences are not so cool while in public or when the erection is not so wanted. Getting an erection when not required can be an embarrassment many times.Men do get frequent erection even they do not desire and such incidents need to be discussed with the doctor.

What Are The Ways To Get Hard At A Regional Time?

Set The Mood Right

A man needs to have the right mood before the start of the activity, because when it is about the intimate time one needs all the focus there.You can also plan something outstation just to ditch the normal walls of your bedroom or have something decorated for a change.Half of the things are already done when the mood is set. The body already performs well and there is an increase in blood flow helping in an erection.

Go Out Of The House

Changing the location has been rated as one of the best things to improve your intimate life.Things get dull when done at the same place and same time. one needs to change the location. When there is a difference in locationthere is a slight difference in mood too. The body performs better just because it is relaxed.


Your doctor will use the measurements toguide you in performing visualizations, exercises or other techniques to help you last longer during intercourse. Masturbation can help prevent premature ejaculation. If you masturbate just before having sex with your partner, may find thatyou can delay your orgasm during sex with your partner.


Edging is the non-medical version of biofeedback. above ejaculation (or "the rim") and then stop all stimulation activity. The idea is that you are comfortable and know your sexual arousal so you can prevent unwanted premature ejaculation.

Priority To Sleep

Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia are quite common in men with erectile dysfunction. Establish a bedtime that helps you get a good night's sleep, and arrange your bedroom to be cool, dark, and quiet.

Work With Your Partner

When you're in a relationship, openly communicating about sexual and emotional challenges can increase intimacy, ease anxiety, and reduce any pressure you may feel about the need to act.

One of the best ways to get a faster erection is by consulting a doctor, they might prescribe you the right medicine.It might also happen that the faster the erection, the faster it is lost as well.

These intimate issues like erectile dysfunction need to be handled with care and at an early stage. When you start facing issues with erection, immediately speak to the doctor.