Filitra Tablets

Filitra Tablets
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About Filitra Tablets

The subcategory Filitra Tabs of this online pharmaceutical store contains medicines composed of Vardenafil in different potencies and forms. The medicine is manufactured by Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. This medicine contains an active drug known as Vardenafil. The solution is prescribed for treating one of the most common embarrassing conditions known as Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

The impotence issue in men is a condition where a man might fail for attaining and sustaining a stiffer penile erection, which might be needed for the perfect coition. While being sexually aroused the body of a man might respond by just enhancing the flow of blood to the penile for having a stiffer penile erection. When the penile fails for achieving a sufficient blood for a stiffer penile, it might lead to a listless or feeble erection. The solution shall then help him to attain and sustain a stiffer penile that is perfect for a longer lovemaking session

Various Versions of Filitra Brand

  • Filitra 10, 20, 40 (Conventional tablets)
  • Fildena Professional (20mg Vardenafil, Sublingual Pill)

Active Ingredient of Filitra Pills

The main active component Vardenafil is an essential phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) inhibitor that means the medicine temporarily stops the secretion of the PDE5 post being administered in the body. Just by negating PDE5 enzyme, Vardenafil in the medicine Filitra shall enhance the secretion of nitric oxide, which is a chemical that shall boost the circulation of blood throughout the system. In this way, the adequate amount of blood shall enter the penile shaft so as to promote a stiffer penile erection. Vardenafil component in the medicine is known to working well only in the presence of complete sexual arousal. Remember, the ED solution fails to deliver its effectiveness in the absence of sexual stimulation.

Filitra Pills: Consumption Pattern

It is important to consume the medicine Filitra exactly as it is directed by the medical professional. You might need to consume the medicine approx. 30 minutes before planned lovemaking session. This shall help the medicine for assimilating properly and acting accordingly. This dosage should be consumed only once in 24 hours; as advised by the doctor, you shall experience some of the unpleasant side effects. The impotence treating medicine shall work best on an empty stomach, while they might lose the efficacy when consumed along with alcohol or grapefruits. Some of the clinical studies have found that the effectiveness of the medicine stays in the bloodstream for about four to six hours.

  • Consume the Filitra dosage with or without food as it is directed by the doctor for safe and effective outcomes
  • Intake of the impotence treating solution approx. 30 minutes before planned lovemaking session can help in gaining maximum effective outcomes
  • This solution is to be consumed orally only once in 24 hours as prescribed by the doctor 
  • Avoid altering the state of medicine before consumption for attaining maximum outcomes

Side Effects of Filitra Tablets

Some mild side effects with the consumption of Filitra medicine include headaches, facial flushing, mild vision impairment, dizziness, and nausea. These common side effects with Vardenafil composed pills are nothing to worry about as they do not last for a longer time. Mild drowsiness like condition is a very common drug reaction; hence, it is essential for you to stay indoors and avoid performing outdoor activities as it may need alertness. Stop being involved in lovemaking session and inform your doctor if you experience any of the severe side effects that might include chest pain breathlessness, swelling of the face, hives, etc. Priapism like a condition called as prolonged erection might also need immediate medical assistance.

Intake of the pill is trusted for keeping impotence condition at bay. The pill consumption shall help in restoring men’s erectile function that is done by enhancing the blood flow that shall help in making love with extreme gratification and full of energy.

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